Congratulations to 3-year-old Brigitte Xie for making it to Carnegie Hall!

Although not all students at All Talent Academy perform or compete, many choose to do so and find great satisfaction, confidence, and success! We are extremely proud of our students for their dedication to their instrument, and we greatly appreciate their confidence in our method. Congratulations to all of our students on their outstanding achievements!

2017 National Young Maestros
Congratulations to our 3 winners:
Janson Chen
Julia Chow
Peter Liu
2017 Crescendo International Piano Competition
Congratulations to our 13 winners:
Tiffany Zhang, Tony Jin, Clara Tu, Alexandra Ruthstein, Peter Liu, Rachel Yang, Elanor Klemann, Deyi Meng, Ellie Luo, Beatrice Klemann, Arianna Yu, Christina Zhong, Cary Wang
2017 Little Mozart International Music Competition
Congratulations to winners:
Arianna Yu
Jinwen Rosa
2017 International Music Competition, Rome
Peter Liu - Grand Prize Virtuoso 1st Prize Winner
2017 Connecticut Fairfield Piano Festival Competition
Congratulations to our 3 winners:
Beatrice Klemann
Eleanor Klemann
Peter Liu
5th Fairfield Chapter Fesitval
Five out of five All Talent Academy students won awards at this festival. Congratulations to:
Andrew Stevanovic
Annie Ulmer
Alexander Liu
Charlie Shishuo Wang
Kelly Zhou
2017 Golden Key International Music Festival
Congratulations to our 5 Winners:
Eleanor Klemann
Beatrice Klemann
Isabel Cheng
Peter Liu
Cary Wang
2017 International Music Competition, London
Royal Albert Hall, London
All three participating students were Grand Prize Virtuoso 1st Prize Winners:
Clara Tu
Cary Wang
Peter Liu
9th International Music Competition, Vienna
Weiner Saal, Salzburg - July 2017
Peter Liu - Grand Prize Virtuoso 1st Prize:
American Fine Arts Festival - Golden Era of Romantic Music
Cary Wang - 1st Prize
The Flow of Music: Felicia Zhang | Documentary Film

Rome Grand Prize Virtuoso Award Ceremony

Clara Tu performed in MSG

Special Congratulations to Clara Tu
Royal Conservatory Music Development Program
Passed with honors and high honors:
Cary Wang, Alexandra Ruthstein, Ariana You, Annabella Yu, Caitlyn Yang, Asaf Brav, Katie Viselli, Juliana Yang, Savannah Ma, Tristan Hu, Kate Liu, Peter Liu, Alexandra Oxenstierna, Ivy Yang, Eddy Yedu Huang, JinMei Yang, Yunfan Sha, Charlene Dong, Tony Jin, Anjali Subramanian, Tiffany Zhang, Celine Perrin, Clara Tu
Plaque Medals in Early Bach and Sonatinas
(Students perform 15 pieces of Early Bach Repertoires or 15 Movements of Sonatinas by memory to achieve the special plaque medals.)
8 students won these awards with superior ratings:
Early Bach Medal - Jason Chen, Zuyuan Chen, Deyi Meng (special medalist winner and on cover page)
Sonatina Medal - Julia Chow, Tony Jin, Esther Shar, Eva Zhang, Sophie Li
National Gold Medal, Elementary Piano Pedagogy Piano
State Certificate of Excellence, Elementary Piano Pedagogy Piano
Center Certificate of Excellence, Elementary Piano Pedagogy Piano
Artist Diploma in Elementary Piano Pedagogy